Meet the newest odd couple of the animal kingdom: the giant female and tiny male of the largest web-spinning spider known to science: Nephila komaci.
Nephila komaci
- Madagaskar-Spinne webt metergroße Netze - - Kurioses
- YouTube - 'Giant' orb web spider discovered
- Largest Web-Spinning Spider Found
- Photo: Largest Web-Spinning Spider Found
- Nephila komaci - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- PLoS ONE: Discovery of the Largest Orbweaving Spider Species: The Evolution of Gigantism in Nephila
- PLoS ONE : accelerating the publication of peer-reviewed science
- BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Giant' orb web spider discovered
- Arachnophobics beware: Researchers identify giant new spider species - Yahoo! Canada News
- Scientists Discover Largest Orb-weaving Spider
- Scientists discover largest orb-weaving spider
- Largest web-spinning spider on record found in South Africa - Times Online
-, a web resource for nephilid spiders, by Matjaz Kuntner