About a Hawaiian project to build a wave energy generator offshore in the ocean.
This is part of a partnership, intended to transform Hawaii into one of the world’s first economies based primarily on clean energy resources.
Hawaii has revealed its intention to move away from the setting of a popular 70s cop show and a surfers’ paradise to the setting for a clean energy rollout and green tech paradise.
HONOLULU – An Australian company wants to build a 2.7-megawatt wave energy generator somewhere off the coast of Maui.
Hawaiian Electric Co. had planned to wait to announce the idea until next month, when more details will be settled, but the news came out when a bill was introduced in the Legislature to authorize $20 million in tax-free development bonds.
The generator gets its power from the rise and fall of the water, but the turbine is driven by air.
A platform has an opening underwater. The surge of the ocean increases or decreases the pressure on air in a chamber. The air expands and contracts, driving the turbine blades.