The human brain is exquisitely adapted to respond to risk. Our biases reflect the choices that kept our ancestors alive, but we don't have cognitive shortcuts to deal with novel uncertainties.
I. We Fear Snakes, Not Cars Risk and emotion are inseparable. II. We Fear Spectacular, Unlikely Events Fear skews risk analysis in predictable ways. III. We Fear Cancer But Not Heart Disease We underestimate threats that creep up on us. IV. No Pesticide in My Backyard—Unless I Put it There We prefer that which (we think) we can control. V. We Speed Up When We Put Our Seat belts On We substitute one risk for another. VI. Teens May Think Too Much About Risk—And Not Feel Enough Why using your cortex isn't always smart. VII. Why Young Men Will Never Get Good Rates on Car Insurance The "risk thermostat" varies widely. VIII. We Worry About Teen Marijuana Use, But Not About Teen Sports
IX. We Love Sunlight But Fear Nuclear Power Why "natural" risks are easier to accept. X. We Should Fear Fear Itself Why worrying about risk is itself risky. |