Bovenstaande gadget, te koop op Grand Illusions Ltd Best Sellers, ziet er simpel uit maar heeft verrassende eigenschappen. Zie de video op
Japan has successfully set a new world record. Having paired up 250 men and 250 women who commensed to have sex in same place and same time, completing the world biggest orgy ever!The Orgy was held in a warehouse with a professional camera crew taking pictures and recorded the whole event.
A Tennessee-based free market think-tank said Mr Gore's home used more than 20 times the national average of gas and electricity.
The Tennessee Center for Policy Research said utility bills obtained from public records indicated that Mr Gore's 20-room house and swimming pool in Nashville used nearly 221,000 kWh in 2006, compared with a yearly average of 10,656.
Scientists in eastern China have successfully experimented with brain-motor skill manipulation in pigeons to "force the bird to comply with their commands." Micro electrodes have been planted into the brains of these pigeons to control their movement left, right, up, and down during flight.
Google Office - an introductionvia: How to Get Work Done With the Google Office | Today (Possibly) Is Singles Awareness Day | Finding Phone Videos with Goog ...
Google Office Part 1: Business Gmail
Google Office Part 2: Client Interaction with a Powered Support and News Site
Google Office Part 3: Knowledge Bases with Google Groups
Google Office Part 4: Timesheets
"Er is een groep mensen die hardnekkig denkt dat Linux open en derhalve gratis is, maar laat ik u uit de droom helpen, u hebt het mis."De Open Source gemeenschap heeft nu de tegenaanval geopend in de vorm van een open brief aan Stevan Ballmer, waarin hij uitgedaagd wordt zijn beschuldigingen hard te maken:
Nu heeft Microsoft dit al vaker geroepen, maar ze geven niet aan waar de patenschendingen plaatsvinden in Linux. Ook deze keer doet Ballmer geen uitspraak over waar Linuxgebruikers over de schreef gaan.
"Die modules mogen niet zomaar gebruikt worden, als dat toch blijft gebeuren, dan zullen we ze een vette rekening presenteren."
[ Techzine - Nieuws: Steve Ballmer: Linux is niet gratis - ICT Nieuws / Community site]
De volledige tekst van deze open brief en meer over deze aktie is te vinden op de siteSo this is what we're requesting. [...]
Publicly pledge your support for Microsoft showing the public the code within Linux that violates their intellectual property by May 1st, 2007.
[...] If you or Microsoft cannot comply with a response by the date outlined, everyone who endorses this will consider your threats and claims to be empty and libelous. Anyone paying attention to the marketplace should as well.
Lov K. Grover, scientist Bell Labs, also regarded as the father of quantum algorithms, said that India was poised for major breakthroughs considering the interest in research in these crucial sectors in universities and institutes here. Apart from speed, one significant advantage will be the exhaustive search methodologies. In terms of theoretical possibilities, it 'may be quite likely that the last frontier of science, that is transportation of physical objects including humans, may in the future become a reality', said Grover.
"The original creator of AddictingGames.com presents OneMoreLevel.com - A new addictive flash game every weekday, or your money back."
This is what happens when you plug the video-out port on your video card to the video-in port on your capture card.
De eerste besparing is het beheer: de software staat online en hoeft dus niet op de pc van elke werknemer worden geïnstalleerd. Het Californische internetbedrijf bewerkstelligt dat de nieuwste versies steeds online staan en belooft dat bedrijven 99,9 procent van de tijd bereikbaar is. Wat e-mail betreft, krijgen bedrijven veel bewegingsvrijheid. Elke werknemer krijgt een mailbox met een omvang van 10 gigabyte.
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UFOs caught on security camera, Kent, England 1998. UFO sighting from plane, England 1966. UFO crash in New Mexico, 1997. Footage of a UFO ... alle » in Mexico. Many clear sightings from a space shuttle. Ovnis, ovni, UFOs, video, Bulgaria. UFO video from military camera, 1997. UFO Ovni, Mexico, Mexican Air Force pilots film 11, UFOs, March 5th, 2004.
2-sporenbeleid, action points, budgetneutraal, bilateraaltje, burnrate, core competence, crash-dummy, earn out, hands on, hipo, kangaroo management, monopsonie, polyopsonie, shit in - shit out, uitfaseren, zeemeeuwmanagement.Meer hierover op
Canon introduced its PowerShot TX1 digital camera, a multitasking little sucker that's about the size of a deck of cards. It can shoot both 7.1-megapixel stills and 720p high-definition video in 16:9 format at 30 frames per second, recording its image data on SD memory cards, higher-capacity SDHC cards, MultiMedia and MMCplus cards. It has an LCD viewscreen that swivels out like a camcorder, and uses an improved Digic III image processor that Canon says contributes to faster startup, improved image quality and extended battery life.
Simply plug the SnoopStick into the computer you want to monitor. Then run the setup program to install the SnoopStick monitoring components on the computer. The whole process takes less than 60 seconds.
Any time you want to see what web sites your kids or employees are visiting, who they are chatting with, and what they are chatting about, simply plug in your SnoopStick to any Windows based computer with an Internet connection and a USB port. SnoopStick will automatically connect to the target computer.
[...] Its mini size, lightweight and skin tone color allow you to hear from great distances without anyone knowing that you are wearing it. The ultra-sensitive microphone allows for crisp, clear audio all in a discreet, tiny earpiece. Plus, the Spy Ear II is ergonomically designed to fit your ear snug but still be comfortable. There is a volume adjustment that allows you to easily change the volume and hone in on certain conversations. [...]
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