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Funny PHP - advertentie

Intelligente oordopjes

- During mass transportation, alarming you not to pass your station and not bothering other passengers.
- During driving, remind you not going to sleep or remind you taking a break.
- During studying or take an exam.
- During cooking or housekeeping to remind you soup is ready or it’s time to take care of something.
Google Maps - Street View (2) (Video)
Related item: LinkNotes: Google Maps - Street View
Google Offline met Google Gears
Google heeft onlangs Google Gears geintroduceerd. Weer een stapje in de richting van de desktop ...
Google Gears is an open source browser extension that lets developers create web applications that can run offline. Gears provides three key features:
- A local server, to cache and serve application resources (HTML, JavaScript, images, etc.) without needing to contact a server
- A database, to store and access data from within the browser
- A worker thread pool, to make web applications more responsive by performing expensive operations in the background
Ames Room Illusion (video)
An Ames room is a distorted room that is used to create an optical illusion. It was invented by American ophthalmologist Adelbert Ames, Jr. in 1946 based on a concept by Hermann Helmholtz.
Firefox Tricks (2)

Discover more than 20 behind-the-scenes tweaks for speeding up page loads, reducing memory drain and making the interface behave the way you want it to
ThumbStrips - Firefox Extension

A Firefox 2.0 extension that lets you view your history in the form of a filmstrip of screenshots. You can save and share filmstrips [...] on innovation.intuit.com. |
innovation blog » Thumbstrips
Hotel Overbooking
RTL 10?
Agloco - Make Money Online

Dat kan met Agloco.
Het principe is eenvoudig: via een speciale viewbar geneer je infomatie waar adverteerders wat aan hebben, die betalen daarvoor en zelf ontvang je een deel daarvan. Bovendien is er een soort netwerk, waardoor je extra inkomsten krijgt door extra leden te werven.
Meer info en (gratis) aanmelden op:
De straattandarts

Wie bang is voor de tandarts moet maar bedenken dat het, zoals op bovenstaande foto's te zien is, in sommige landen veel erger is.
Google Maps - Street View

Google Maps is hard op weg de ultieme routeplanner te worden. Met de nieuwe optie Street View is het mogelijk om aan de kaart een venster te koppelen waarin via dragging met de muis in een soort 3D virtual reality de omgeving verkend kan worden. Op een beperkt aantal locaties is inmiddels mogelijk, bijvoorbeeld: de Golden Gate Bridge
Hidden Camera Detector

Quickly, easily, and discreetly conduct sweeps of your home, office, or hotel room to locate hidden wireless cameras. Simply point the compact camera towards walls and ceilings; and alarm will sound when a frequency of 50MHz to 3GHz is detected.
via: The hidden camera detector » Coolest Gadgets
Verkeersbord (2)

via: Nothing To Do With Arbroath: Something is forbidden
Technorati Tags: opmerkelijk, humor, verkeersbord
Wubi - Ubuntu installer for Windows
Wubi is Safe
It does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC, or to use a different bootloader.
Wubi is Simple
Just run the installer, no need to burn a CD.
Wubi is Discrete
Wubi keeps most of the files in one folder, and If you do not like, you can simply uninstall it.
Wubi is Free
Wubi (like Ubuntu) is free as in beer and as in freedom. You will get this part later on, the important thing now is that it cost absolutely nothing, it is our gift to you...
Blogs about Blogging
met als Top 10:
- Problogger
- Copyblogger
- John Chow
- Quick Online Tips
- Lorelle on Wordpress
- Daily Blog Tips
- Performancing
- Weblog Tools Collection
- Blog Herald
- Blogging Pro
Birds attack
North Pole swim
LONDON (Reuters) - A British adventurer is planning to highlight the effects of global warming by becoming the first person to swim at the North Pole and break his own record for the coldest swim.
Spiders on Drugs (video)
via: Retrospectacle: A Neuroscience Blog
Verborgen Verleiders
Sensory Manipulation at the Supermarket?
Propaganda in a Democracy
Data Mines: Predicting your next purchase.
Trend: Planted News Stories
Secret buzz agents can stalk you on the street and in your home
via: 10 Disturbing Trends in Subliminal Advertising
Pseudo 3D Images
LinkNotes: (: SeeReal - 3D Holographic Video
LinkNotes: Heliodisplay - 3D Touchscreen
LinkNotes: 3D Displays
moeten we ons maar behelpen met dit soort plaatjes:
Ook Frisdranken Gevaarlijk
Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health
Expert links additive to cell damage
By Martin Hickman, Consumer Affairs Correspondent
Published: 27 May 2007
A new health scare erupted over soft drinks last night amid evidence they may cause serious cell damage. Research from a British university suggests a common preservative found in drinks such as Fanta and Pepsi Max has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA.
The problem - more usually associated with ageing and alcohol abuse - can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's. [...]
Technorati Tags: info, gezondheid, nieuws, soft drinks, health, news, DNA, E211
Google Calendar SMS alert
The 100 Best Products of 2007
Alle 100 op:The Top 100 Products, in Ranked Order
- Google Apps Premier Edition Review | Vendor Site
- Intel Core 2 Duo Review | Check Prices
- Nintendo Wii Review | Check Prices
- Verizon FiOS Vendor Site
- RIM Blackberry 8800 Review | Check Prices
- Parallels Desktop Review | Check Prices
- Pioneer Elite 1080p PRO-FHD1 Check Prices
- Infrant Technologies ReadyNAS NV Check Prices
- Apple Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger" Review | Check Prices
- Adobe Premiere Elements 3 Review | Check Price
Disclose.tv - hidden truth revealed
Disclose TV is a new and fast growing video and photo sharing community dedicated to the mysteries, secrets, anomalies, conspiracies and other alternative or unexplained topics of this world.Dat blijkt ook wel uit het aanbod:
Video Channels
via: The Presurfer: Disclose TV
Technorati Tags: video, tv, info, Disclose.tv, mysteries, conspiracies, controversial
Zie er 'stralend' uit met - GlowFur

[...] Unlike anything you have seen before, the original GlowFur™ apparel is setting a new standard of wearable art. [...] we hope you will appreciate our creative approach of matching just the right kind of Faux Fur with special internal lighting technology. [...]
Venus en de Maan (foto)
Gebouw in Londen genereert eigen energie

A key component of the design was to exceed the Mayor’s target for on-site sources of renewable energy. Conceiving of the energy producing/saving mechanics of the building as an integral part of the design was a challenging process, requiring the design team to investigate how the height and form of the building could best harness the wind energy at that location. The resulting form of the plan ensures that the tower acts as an aerofoil, concentrating the greatest wind speed to the spine of the building, where four turbines will be attached vertically, in a spiral form that is as visually stunning as it is innovative.
Langzame muziek alert
Langzame muziek jaagt omzet omhoogAldus
LONDEN - Het draaien van langzame muziek houdt klanten langer in de winkel. De juiste toepassing van geluid kan leiden tot een forse toename van de omzet voor retailers.
Honda Asimo Robot Commercial
Gun-Shaped Gadgets

via: GadgetGrid » Blog Archive » Wii Light Gun
en de Gun-shaped remote control:

Sharp Shootin' Remote Control
via: SCI FI TechUFO?

Neen, Microsoft Windows Home Server reference design:
via: SCI FI Tech | SCIFI.COM
in cinq

You've snapped the self portraits. Now snap yourself a self poem. Reveal yourself in a 9-word cinquain.
1st line: one word that represents you 2nd line: two words that describe you 3rd line: three words that show you 4th line: two words that express you 5th line: the essence of you, in one word

Nothing says yum like bugs in the tum…
Munoz who started a project making candies filled with grasshoppers and oat meal worms, hopes to sell them throughout Panama and have them exported to the rest of Central America and China.
ExPlay Nano-Projectors

Een duivels dilemma:
- Mobiele players moeten mobiel zijn en dus klein.
- Video schermen moeten duidelijk leesbaar zijn en dus groot.
Het antwoord is:
ExPlay’s revolutionary laser based projection technology enables high-resolution images 20 times larger than the mobile device itself. Its unique battery-operated, nano-projector ensures an eye-safe, always focused superior quality, powerful projected image, elements essential for frequent usage by mobile product consumers.
Lip Reading Technology
Wireless USB Hub
Een uitgebreide goed gedocumenteerde site met reviews en links van goede freeware:
LinkNotes: Freeware downloads: uitgebreide collectie
LinkNotes: Freeware list for nerds
Technorati Tags: software, lijsten, info, free, freeware, gratis, computer
Waterstofeconomie stap dichterbij

Een waterstofeconomie is een economie waarbij waterstof de belangrijkste energiedrager is. Dit in tegenstelling tot de huidige economie waar fossiele brandstoffen de belangrijkste energiedragers zijn. Het belangrijkste probleem hierbij is de opslag van waterstof.
Recente ontwikkelingen op dit punt zouden een doorbraak kunnen betekenen:
Zee News - Hydrogen storage technology breakthrough can make cell-powered car use widespread
Washington, May 24: UK scientists have developed a compound of the element lithium which may make it practical to store enough hydrogen on-board fuel-cell-powered cars to enable them to drive over 300 miles without refuelling.EETimes.com - Researchers: starch, enzymes release hydrogen from water for fuel
PORTLAND, Ore. — University and government researchers are investigating whether a blend of starch, enzymes and water could produce hydrogen fuel for future cars."
Our energy conversion efficiency is so high that we believe we can provide the fuel for all future vehicle transportation," claimed Percival Zhang, an engineering professor at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Va.).
CAVEman - Virtual reality: 4D human model
De anatomische les
Zo ging het vroeger:

CAVEman resides in the CAVE, a cube-shaped virtual reality room, also known as the "research Holodeck", in which the 4D human model floats in space, projected from three walls and the floor below.
via: Ubergizmo - caveman
Technorati Tags: wetenschap, technologie, gezondheid, computer, science, CAVEman, Virtual Human, virtual reality
Joox.net - Vraag niet hoe het kan maar geniet er van!
de tegenhanger van Joost. Streaming films, tv series, documentaires, anime en muziek video’s in prachtige kwaliteit.
via: Joox: onbegrijpelijk gave video streaming · BlueAce
LG Prada - binnenkort in de winkels
LinkNotes: LG KE850 Touchscreen Phone (iPhone killer?)
LinkNotes: 'iPhone-killers'
Begin juni in de winkels en vanaf vandaag te zien op de video van een uitpakparty in BRIGHT:
Bootje Kopen?
Fanimation Enigma Fan

maar hij doet toch ergens aan denken ...
via: SCI FI Tech | SCIFI.COM