Waalbot – Wall Climbing Robot
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have developed a series of robots capable of climbing walls. Inspired by geckos that use tiny fibers located on their feet to adhere to almost any surface, the Waalbot is capable of simple surface locomotion. The Tri-Leg Waalbot can be used for inspection and surveillance in hazardous environments or hard to reach areas, as well as for spacecraft inspection and repair.

Almost as small as a quarter, "Waalbot" uses two sets of three-footed wheels each controlled by a motor to accomplish its mission. A spring-loaded tail ensures the bot will always push against the surface. Unlike other wall-climbing robots that use vacuum suction, magnetic attraction or claws that grip, Waalbot uses dry adhesion — a type of adhesion found in biology.
"Biological inspiration has given us a great starting point in designing new and agile miniature robots," said Metin Sitti, assistant professor of mechanical engineering. "But, we have gone beyond the biological principles using our synthetic materials and abstract motion mechanisms."
Wall-Climbing Robot - Carnegie Mellon University
related:The Robotics Institute
NanoRobotics Laboratory
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