The Encyclopaedia Britannica recently launched its Britannica WebShare program with free online access for Web publishers, a Twitter stream and blog-friendly widgets.

In an effort to attract bloggers to link to their content, the Encyclopaedia Britannica has come out with web based initiatives - Webshare allows web publishers and bloggers link to Britannica articles, with their readers able to follow those links without an account, while Britannica Widgets allows publishers and bloggers to post an entire cluster of related Encyclopaedia Britannica articles on their blog or Web site. As their website describes it:
General Interest
Arts & Literature
The Earth & Geography
Philosophy & Religion
Sports & Recreation
Science & Mathematics
Life Science
History and Social Studies
britannicanet.comBritannica Online EncyclopediaEncyclopaedia Britannica Takes Steps To Attract Bloggers | WildBlueSkies - Trends and strategies in Digital Mediawidgets posts - Tech news blog - CNET News.comEncyclopedia Britannica Now Free For Bloggers