Playing online simulated golf on the world most renown golf courses. This will be possible with Golfzilla, a mashup of Google Map’s Satellite images and a Golf game, developed for the Android powered smartphones which are expected to become available by the end of this year.
Golfzilla Golfzilla is golf game that is currently in development using Android. The game uses Google Maps satellite imagery of various golf courses in different countries. Golfzilla is expected to be available at the end of 2008 and should support a peer to peer competition mode using GTalk.
 Golfzilla isn't that cool, but it lets you play golf on Google Maps with the option to select the country and the course. So instead of fancy 3D graphics, you are actually playing as if you were on the ground, but from a bird's eye view. The final release of Golfzilla is expected to be available at the end of 2008 and will support P2P battle mode using GTalk. That's pretty much in line with the expected launch of Android.
Google Maps Mania: Some Google Maps Friday FunPlay golf courses from around the world with Golfzilla | Geek.comGoogle Maps + Android + Golf = Golfzilla - Mobile Phones - Crave - CNET AsiaGolfzilla - Android Developers | Google GroupsGolfzilla Google Maps & Golf Mashup Game |