Clipped from: Nanorobotics |
Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the scale of a nanometre (10-9 metres).
As no artificial non-biological nanorobots have so far been created, they remain a hypothetical concept at this time.
Another definition sometimes used is a robot which allows precision interactions with nanoscale objects, or can manipulate with nanoscale resolution.
Also, macroscale robots or microrobots which can move with nanoscale precision can also be considered nanorobots..
Clipped from: NanoRobotics Laboratory |
Gecko Hair Manufacturing Synthetic Gecko Hair Fabrication for Dry Adhesion |
Goal: Develop techniques for producing synthetic gecko foot hairs with nano/micro hair heirarchy. Refine these techniques into processes which will alow for cost effective mass production. Utilize the gecko hair material to create advanced ultra-mobile robots.
A modular robot for wall climbing.
TeleNano Augmented Reality User Interface for Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM) |
To develop a human-machine interface for atomic force microscope (AFM) based nano-scale manipulation. A haptic device lets the user control the position of the AFM-probe and relays measured forces to his fingertip. The user sees the topography of the nano-surface, including surface interactions, and probe positions in a realtime computer graphics environment.
Clipped from: Tiny Robots Get A Grip On Nanotubes |
Tiny Robots Get A Grip On Nanotubes
ScienceDaily (Aug. 24, 2009) — How do you handle the tiny components needed for constructing nanoscale devices? A European consortium has built two microrobotic demonstrators that can automatically pick up and install carbon nanotubes thousands of times thinner than a human hair.Clipped from: NanoHand Project |
NanoHand is a European funded project, where leading researchers and industry collaborate to create the world’s first nanorobotic production system inside of a scanning electron microscope. Nanorobotics, controlled and even automated manipulation using nanoscale tools, manipulators and soldering techniques, will allow tiny carbon nanotubes to be placed as components anywhere in a circuit to replace ordinary components or to form altogether novel devices that could not be produced using conventional methods.
Clipped from: YouTube - NanoBits: towards a nanoassembly line |
NanoBits: towards a nanoassembly line
Clipped from: YouTube - The Next Generation of Nanomanipulation |
The Next Generation of Nanomanipulation
Clipped from: YouTube - NanoHand Micro-nano systems for automatic handling of nanoobjects |
NanoHand Micro-nano systems for automatic handling of nanoobjects
- Nanorobotics
- NanoRobotics Laboratory
- Tiny Robots Get A Grip On Nanotubes
- NanoHand Project
- YouTube - NanoBits: towards a nanoassembly line
- YouTube - The Next Generation of Nanomanipulation
- YouTube - NanoHand Micro-nano systems for automatic handling of nanoobjects