Dental News | Oral health | New molecule means cavity proof teeth
Scientists have created a new molecule that may make teeth cavity-proof and may change dental care forever.
The new molecule, named Keep 32, after the 32 teeth in a human mouth, can wipe out bacteria that cause cavities in just 60 seconds.
Keep 32 molecule discovered, kills the bacteria that causes tooth decay |
It’s not actually sugar that causes cavities, it’s the bacteria Streptococcus Mutans. This bacteria metabolizes the sugar in your mouth and turns it into lactic acid which then attacks your tooth enamel. When that happens your teeth become vulnerable to decay and cavities can form. So, if you remove Streptococcus Mutans from the equation you stop the decay from happening.
Jose Cordova, a researcher at Yale University, along with Erich Astudillo from the University of Chile, have discovered a new molecule called Keep 32 that kills Streptococcus Mutans. The pair already have a patent pending and now want to begin human trials to prove it works. That should take no more than 18 months if they find funding.
Chilean Scientists Discover Solution to Cavities | I Love Chile: The Most Important Source of Chilean News
“The molecule has the potential, not only to be harnessed into a gum, but also in products like tooth paste, mouthwashes, toothpaste sheets, candies, overnight dental gel, and other products that stay in the mouth for at least 60 seconds,” explained Erich Astudillo, CEO of Top Tech Innovations, the firm that sponsored the discovery.
“In Chile, we’ve been looking for financial backing for two years. No one was interested in putting resources into R&D,” he commented.
After unsuccessfully seeking investors in Chile, the researchers joined forces with the Founder Institute to improve their business model and look for sources of capital internationally.
“At the moment, we’re having conversations with five parties who are interested in either investment or buying our patent. This will involve moving abroad to complete product development,” he explained.
- Scientists Create Molecule to Make Teeth Cavityproof
- Cavity-proof teeth: Keep 32 molecule could make it possible | Shine On - Shine from Yahoo! Canada
- Keep 32 Molecule Kills Cavity-Causing Bacteria | Geekosystem
- Científicos chilenos patentan molécula que elimina las caries | Diario Financiero Online