Could we reduce love to a pill? Maybe, says expert
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7, 2009 (Reuters) — Could a pill or a squirt up your nose save your marriage? Maybe, according to a researcher who is studying the chemical basis of that most elusive of emotions -- love.
"Biologists may soon be able to reduce certain mental states associated with love to a biochemical chain of events," Young, of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta, wrote in the journal Nature.
Love spray being developed by scientists
Love really could be a drug, say scientists, who believe that one day the feelings may be induced by popping a pill or smelling perfume.
'Love potion' being developed
Love is in the air...or a nose spray
Love is a drug, scientists find
Chemical reaction: Dr Young says circuitry and neurochemicals underlie love. (AAP: Paul Miller )
Is love just a chemical cocktail
A rich experience, or just a bunch of chemicals?
It could be as easy as popping a pill: Scientists race to unlock 'love drug'
Scientists To Develop ‘Love Spray’ Soon!
Behavioral neuroscience is the main research interest of more than 30 Faculty in the Neuroscience Program. Strengths include computational and functional imaging studies of brain alterations in drugs dependence, neurobiology of learning and memory, alterations of cognitive function in ageing, psychobiology of motivation, regulation of neuroendocrine functions, molecular and neurochemical substrates of social behavior and fear conditioning, functional integration of motor and vestibular information in control of eye movements, neural basis of visual attention and neural substrates of motor control in normal and pathological conditions.
Larry J. Young
Principal Investigator
NewsDaily: Could we reduce love to a pill? Maybe, says expert
Love spray being developed by scientists - Telegraph
'Love potion' being developed |
Love is a drug, scientists find - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
BBC NEWS | Health | Is love just a chemical cocktail?
It could be as easy as popping a pill: Scientists race to unlock 'love drug' | Mail Online
Scientists To Develop ‘Love Spray’ Soon! | Top News
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