British scientists have filmed for the first time the hadal snailfish: the deepest-dwelling ocean animal ever captured on camera.
Caught on camera: The world's deepest-dwelling fish five miles under the ocean's surface
British scientists have filmed a species of fish said to be the deepest-dwelling ocean animal ever captured on camera.
A team from Aberdeen University collaborated with their Tokyo counterparts to film the ghostly white Hadal snail fish off Japan’s east coast at a depth of 7,700m.
Beyond the abyss
Alan Jamieson and colleagues are on a mission to film the world's deepest-living fishes.
 Ophidiidae Marianas, photographed on a previous Hadeep Project expedition.
Deepest-living fishes caught on camera for the first time
Marine scientists filming in one of the world's deepest ocean trenches have found groups of highly sociable fish swarming nearly five miles (7700 metres) beneath the surface.
 The Hadeep team.
 With sapphire viewports and pressure housings as thick as cannon-barrels, the HADEEP submersible is made of stern stuff.
rare Fish Caught on Camera 4.8 miles Deep
Caught on camera: The world's deepest-dwelling fish five miles under the ocean's surface | Mail OnlineBeyond the abyssDeepest-living fishes caught on camera for the first timeOceanlab - University of AberdeenProfessor Imants PriedeDeepest living fish filmed | ZME Science