At CEATEC in Tokyo, Japan, Microvision demonstrated the next-generation pico projector prototype - a pocket-sized laser projector that connects to mobile phones, personal media players and other mobile devices.
Microvision demos green laser pico projector
Cell phone video projection in HD
Microvision is the number one choice for OEMs who wish to breakthrough through the display bottleneck and provide customers with new viewing experiences. From embedded projectors that sit inside a handset to accessory projectors that connect to mobile devices,
Microvision demos green laser pico projector
Microvision: Accessory Pico Projector Displays
PicoCool - Post: Pico Projector Displays
Video: Microvision Pico Projector Throwing iPod Video...on Some Dude's Back
Microvision to show upgraded Pico Projector Prototype at CEATEC
Handheld projector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia