U.S. space administration NASA has revealed an ambitious plan to launch a new Mars rover in 2009, the Mars Science Laboratory, and advanced robotic vehicle, able to make decisions and avoid hazards on its own.
Nasa is pushing ahead with plans to launch its next Mars mission in 2009, but acknowledges that extra funds are required to make it happen.
Scheduled to launch in the fall of 2009, Mars Science Laboratory is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. Mars Science Laboratory is a rover that will assess whether Mars ever was, or is still today, an environment able to support microbial life. In other words, its mission is to determine the planet's "habitability."
A comparison of sizes for the Sojourner rover (Mars Pathfinder), the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Phoenix lander and the Mars Science Laboratory. |
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Nasa committed to Mars rover plan
NASA planning launch of new Mars rover - Science - The Tech Herald
Mars Science Laboratory
Mars Science Laboratory: Mobility
Mars Science Laboratory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia