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Nano-origami Used To Build Tiny Electronic Devices

A team of researchers led by George Barbastathis, associate professor of mechanical engineering, is developing the basic principles of "nano-origami," a new technique that allows engineers to fold nanoscale materials into simple 3-D structures. The tiny folded materials could be used as motors and capacitors, potentially leading to better computer memory storage, faster microprocessors and new nanophotonic devices.

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Nano origami

clipped from web.mit.edu
Link: MIT

clipped from web.mit.edu

Nanostructured Origami™ Fabrication and
Assembly Process

1 Bridging the gap between nanoscale and macroscale.

(b) (c)
Figure 2 (a) Planar fabrication. (b) Membrane folding.
(c) Completed device.


Figure 4: Membrane folding via Lorentz force

Figure 5: SEM image of 360o fold.

Figure 6: Overhead view of curling.


Figure 7: Gratings of nanoscale feature size integrated
into folding device

clipped from meche.mit.edu

George Barbastathis

George Barbastathis

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Nano-origami Used To Build Tiny Electronic Devices
3D Optical Systems Group
Knowing when to fold - MIT News Office
MIT MechE - George Barbastathis
Researchers use nano-origami to build tiny 3D devices - Engadget
Nano-origami - Boing Boing
Nano World: Nano origami supercapacitors
Slashdot | Folding Nanosheets To Build Components