Dit weekend spelen als onderdeel van de 2007 RoboCup in Atlanta, Georgia in het kader van de Nanogram Demonstration competition twee teams van minucule robots een voetbalwedstrijd tegen elkaar.
While the bots measure up to a few hundred micrometers in length, they are considered “nanoscale” because they weigh from a few nanograms to a few hundred nanograms. For comparison, a grain of sand weighs about 300,000 nanograms.The tiny athletes will compete in three events designed to test their overall agility and ability to manipulate objects, including:
- The 2-Millimeter Dash — Each nanobot chooses the optimal time for a goal-to-goal sprint across the playing field.
- Slalom Drill — Robots race from goal to goal while avoiding “defenders” (polymer posts) that block the path.
- Ball-Handling Drill — Robots “dribble” as many microdisks as possible into a goal within a 3-minute period.
Scientists to play soccer with nano robots - LiveScience - MSNBC.com
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