The Master of Advanced Studies in CAAD at ETH in Zurich is a one-year postgraduate program with a focus on computer-based architectural design and its automated production. The program examines the use of current information technologies as an augmentation of concepts of architecture.

Helvepolis - Urban Design in Vitro!
Object-oriented urban design-framework for Processing
In this module, we become urban planner, architect and flaneur at once!
We formulate our own algorithmic building-law and examine the effects in our artificial cities!
Our goal is no less than building rome in a day. We are exploring the diversity and the potential of cities via scripting.
Data abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance are brought to urban design.


Attractive City Generator - ETH CAAD

Himmelstadt-CAAD ETH
- ETHZ D-ARCH CAAD MAS - Exhibition
- ETHZ D-ARCH CAAD MAS - Helvepolis
- YouTube - voxopolis
- YouTube - Attractive City Generator - ETH CAAD
- YouTube - Himmelstadt-CAAD ETH