
Fake Smile Health Risks

clipped from www.spiegel.de

Don't Smile Too Much, German Shop Assistants Warned

A German psychologist has warned "professional smilers" such as flight attendants and shop assistants that too much forced smiling can cause stress, depression and even heart problems. It's unlikely to become a major health issue though -- German customer service isn't renowned for its friendliness.

Too much professional smiling carries health risks, a German psychologist has warned.
The stress caused by having to flash one's teeth at customers can lead to depression, high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems, Professor Dieter Zapf of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt told Apotheken Umschau, a healthcare magazine handed out free at pharmacies in Germany. Zapf's findings are based on research conducted by the university.
clipped from www.youtube.com
How To Spot A Fake Smile
clipped from www.bbc.co.uk
A girl smiling
Can you spot when someone is faking a smile? Try our test and find out.
Smiles Test | Open2 Evolution of Emotion
clipped from amenclinics.com

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