
SiteHoppin'.com a Mashup of StumbleUpon and Del.icio.us

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SiteHoppin'.com is a brand new Web 2.5 social networking/bookmarking wiki site that let's you find, bookmark, and share interesting sites by hopping instead of typing.

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There are different modes of "Site Hoppin':


Tag Random

Tag Iterative


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What does SiteHoppin' run on?

SiteHoppin' is a social networking/bookmarking site based on the MediaWiki, which is also used to power Wikipedia, the largest online encyclopedia.

How did you guys come up with SiteHoppin'?

We first looked at http://Stumbleupon.com and http://del.icio.us and figured it might be a good idea to make a customized wiki mashup of the two. (It's still in LIVE development)

So instead of typing URLs on your browser or searching for interesting sites on Google or Yahoo, you can simply press the "SiteHoppin" button to find interesting sites.

blog it
Main Page - SiteHoppin - A new Web 2.5 Search Engine/Social Bookmarking site that let's you surf the web with 1-click!
Our new site SiteHoppin' and KnolProject.Net | zedomax.com - a blog about DIYs, hacks(wii hacks, iphone hacks), and satiric opinions on gadgets and technology today.
Misc rambling on Zedomax Network! — The Zedomax Network - The Niche Online Media Company
SiteHoppin:FAQ - SiteHoppin - A new Web 2.5 Search Engine/Social Bookmarking site that let's you surf the web with 1-click!