An artwork, consisting of a humanoid that plays back results obtained from recorded brainwave activity as an interpretive dance.
Sleep Waking is an unusual art work that combines recorded brainwave activity and REM sleep with robot behaviors. The Sleep Waking robot plays back your dreams, or, if you will, presents an interpretive dance of your dreams. ![]()
![]() The Sleep Waking robot is the result of a collaboration between Fernando Orellana and Brendan Burns. Orellana spent a night in The Albany Regional Sleep Disorder Center in New York. The staff wired him up and collected data of every conceivable kind: EEG, EKG, rapid eye movement - you name it. Orellana describes the use of the data to animate the robot in this way:
Robot Interprets Your DreamsNew Machine Interprets Dreams | LiveScience
Sleep Waking Robot: Your Dreams Via Interpretive Dance: Science Fiction in the News
[..] Fernando Orellana [..]
Humanoid acts out your dreams, encourages insomnia - Engadget
ArtSlant - Fernando Orellana and Brendan Burns